Natural approaches in digestive health
Various natural treatments have been studied in digestive disorders, and some appear to work better than others. Among these are probiotics, hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), peppermint oil and fibre. Probiotics are a natural therapy that works with your body to balance your digestive tract.
What’s a probiotic?
A probiotic is a natural nutrition supplement that contains living bacteria. The World Health Organization reports that when taken in adequate amounts they can have a positive impact on your health.
Why do probiotics work?
Your digestive system already contains more than 500 kinds of bacteria. This is normal. However, many researchers now believe that digestive disorders can be linked to an imbalance of beneficial (“good”) and pathogenic (“bad”) bacteria. Adding good bacteria – a probiotic - may help correct the balance.
What does a probiotic do?
Probiotics act in a number of ways to improve digestive health. Research has shown that probiotics:

  • Regulate your gut’s immune response
  • Improve the natural barrier in your gut
  • Have antimicrobial effects that fight “bad” bacteria

Probiotics have been shown to help relieve symptoms of IBS and infant colic, and have been studied in people with pouchitis and ulcerative colitis.

If you haven’t already done so, please talk to a healthcare professional. And read on to find out about the probiotics offered by Ferring Natural Health.
In clinical trials, a majority of people were helped by probiotics from Ferring Natural Health
Tuzen in IBS:
A recent clinical study showed that 78% of patients on TuZen considered the efficacy of their treatment to be “good” or “excellent.”
Learn more about IBS from Dr. Bressler, a gastroenterologist in Vancouver
VSL#3 and symptom relief:
VSL#3 is a high-potency combination of 8 probiotic strains, and has been studied in people with pouchitis and ulcerative colitis.
What people are saying about VSL#3
“After being hospitalized for severe dehydration and infection, treated with antibiotics and saline for ten days . . . [I had] continuous diarrhea for the whole time. A surgeon recommended your product . . . I have used it for 2 months now and am very happy and able to go about my life again . . . ”
Submitted by: G.A.
“I was diagnosed in June 2003 with severe ulcerative colitis. I tried all the treatments available and imaginable . . .
I have been taking VSL#3 for the past 3 months . . . During the day I have a lot less abdominal pain and less urgency to go to the bathroom . . .
I cannot promise that VSL#3 will work for everyone the way I did for me, but VSL#3 is a godsend.”
Submitted by: M.P.
“I have suffered with Ulcerative Colitis for 17 years. I have been taking VLS#3 & this is the first time in 16 months I have stayed in remission” . . .
Submitted by: R.D., Toronto
“I am an ileal pouch patient for over 20 years due to complications from ulcerative colitis.
. . . In Jan 2008 I started taking VSL3. I am no longer toxic in the morning, the bloating is significantly less and I go to the bathroom as little as twice a day . . .
I would strongly encourage anyone who has intestinal tract problems to try VSL3.”
Submitted by: B. Calgary
BioGaia in infant colic:
A medical trial showed that babies taking BioGaia cried less after just 1 week - and within 2 weeks, 95% of babies responded to treatment.
A mother – and pharmacist – talks
about BioGaia
Where to find probiotics from
Ferring Natural Health
Probiotics offered by Ferring Natural Health are available through many naturopathic doctors, and in pharmacies and natural health stores across Canada. Just ask at the counter! Or click on a photo to order from, an independently operated website.
Try the probiotic that’s best suited to your needs – it may be the natural solution you’re looking for.
TuZen, VSL#3 and BioGaia have undergone the most rigorous level of clinical investigation available for natural health products, including clinical trials. Each bears a Natural Product Number (NPN): TuZen NPN 80019103; VSL#3 NPNs 80037590, 80042116; BioGaia NPNs 80012472, 80012473.
Survey of the month - The impact of digestive disorders
Share your experience with others by completing this survey
  1. Have any of these problems occurred because of your digestive symptoms?
  2. Has a probiotic helped?
The World Health Organization defines a clinical trial as “any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes.”
An NPN indicates a product has been issued a product license by Health Canada, and appears in Health Canada’s Natural Health Products Database.